IDK #4 • Preparations to be Dead at an Unknown Point in Time

In episode 4 of IDK, Gabe reflects on a few pieces of work he recently had the pleasure of taking in. First, "Preparations to be Together for an Unknown Period of Time," a film by Hungarian filmmaker/director/screenwriter Lili Horvát (and Oscar selection for Best International Feature Film). Second, Gabe's first foray into classic Russian literature, "Invitation to a Beheading" by Vladimir Nabokov.

Both of these works deal largely with our relationship to uncertainty, so it's no surprise that I'm wrapping these into the podcast. In hindsight, I realized there's much more ground to cover "Beheading," so look for a deeper dive in the future.


"untitled/bkwalaORIGINAL_2020-05-30" by BK WALA

Gabriel Lee Garber / BK WALA